Paradise for the Spiritually Developed

An ore never mysteriously turns into steel. Steel never mysteriously transforms into a machine. The same is true of a human being. A child cannot mysteriously grow into a prepared personality, nor does a prepared personality mysteriously reach the level of realized personality. No one goes to Paradise in a mysterious way. All of this is a conscious effort, an intellectual exercise.

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Video Transcript

Finding a place in Paradise is not mysterious. It is a well-known process which a person has to initiate in his life through planning. God has made your personality in the form of an ore. Then He gave you freedom. It all depends on your freedom. Your birth is from God. It is a gift of God. After birth, your freedom comes into play. By proper use of freedom, you make yourself a developed or prepared personality. The next phase is discovery of the truth. We need to understand this carefully. An ore never mysteriously turns into steel. Steel never mysteriously transforms into a machine. The same is true of a human being.  A child cannot mysteriously grow into a prepared personality, nor does a prepared personality mysteriously reach the level of realized personality. No one goes to Paradise in a mysterious way. All of this is a conscious effort, an intellectual exercise. Generally, people take personality development in the physical sense. I once went to a person who had a voluminous book on personality development. The book spoke about physical exercises, or body-building. The name of the book was 'Personality Development'. In reality, that was physical development. You have to make your body healthy. This is necessary for all. I am here speaking about the spiritual personality. You have to develop yourself in terms of spirituality. This spiritual development depends entirely upon you. 

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